NRI Debit Cards
NRI Debit Cards
Federal Bank offers a complete range of International Debit Cards for our NRI customers. These are cards come with unique designs, enhanced limits and power packed features. International Debit cards can be used in millions of POS terminals all over the world for shopping and withdrawal of cash from your account through any ATM in any country accepting VISA Cards.
Based on the extant guidelines with regard to issuance and use of international debit cards, we have made the following changes with immediate effect:
- Henceforth International Debit Card facility will be available for NRE & Resident Accounts only.
- From 01.12.2013 onwards new International Debit Cards will be issued only against specific request with applicable charges, if any.
- Existing International debit cards issued in NRE & Resident accounts (Individual/business) will continue to be available for International usage.
- International usage will be blocked in all other cards with immediate effect.
- In order to protect our customers from fraudulent transactions, international usage of your Federal Bank Debit Cards (Magnetic Stripe Cards issued prior to 1st Dec 2013 )will be limited to Rs. 30,000 / Day through all channels (ATM/POS/Ecommerce) from 1st Dec 2013.
- As per RBI guideline, all Magnetic Stripe Debit Cards issued from 1st Dec 2013 will have no-international usage facility. Apply for EMV CHIP enabled Debit Card for added security.