

Unclaimed Deposit Banner


Details of Unclaimed Deposits


(Data last updated:  as of  March 2025)


You can search for details of unclaimed deposit details by providing your details below. Provide your name and address (can be city / district / village) to search. If your name is matching with the data available in the search results, kindly approach the concerned branch for revival / refund of the deposit with necessary documents as proof of deposit.

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Procedure for reviving Inoperative accounts / Unclaimed Deposits

Procedure for reviving Inoperative accounts / Unclaimed Deposits

Procedure for reviving Inoperative accounts / Unclaimed Deposits

In order to revive inoperative account or unclaimed deposit, customers shall submit an application at branches (including non-home branches). Application should be signed by all the account holders.

Following KYC documents shall be produced at the time of revival

  • *Recent Passport Size photograph,
  • *Self-attested copy of ID Proof & Address Proof
  • Pan Card/ Form 60 (if not available with the Bank)
  • NRI Documents (Visa/Resident Permit etc. Applicable only for NR Accounts)


One financial transaction is mandatory for activation of the accounts. To download the application format to be submitted at the branch and to know the terms and conditions.", please click here.