Financial Guarantees
Financial guarantees are direct credit substitutes wherein bank irrevocably undertakes to guarantee the repayment of a contractual financial obligation.
An indicative list of financial guarantees provided by us are given below.
a) Guarantees for credit facilities
b) Guarantees in lieu of repayment of financial securities
c) Guarantees in lieu of margin requirements of exchanges
d) Guarantees for mobilisation advance, advance money before the commencement of a project and for money to be received in various stages of project implementation
e) Guarantees towards revenue dues, taxes, duties, levies etc. in favour of Tax/ Customs / Port / Excise Authorities and for disputed liabilities for litigation pending at courts
f) Credit Enhancements
g) Liquidity facilities for securitisation transactions
h) Acceptances (including endorsements with the character of acceptance)
i) Deferred payment guarantees
Performance Guarantees
Performance guarantees are essentially transaction-related contingencies that involve an irrevocable undertaking to pay a third party in the event the counterparty fails to fulfil or perform a contractual non-financial obligation.
An indicative list of performance guarantees provided by us are given below.
a) Bid bonds
b) Performance bonds and export performance guarantees
c) Guarantees in lieu of security deposits / earnest money deposits (EMD) for participating in tenders
d) Retention money guarantees
e) Warranties, indemnities and standby letters of credit related to particular transaction