Email Alerts

Features & Benefits

Enjoy the convenience of automatic email alerts. Now you can receive your account details in your mailbox. Subscribe today to enjoy a wide range of automated alerts. All you need is an email address for receiving the alerts.


Email alerts offered by Federal Bank enable you to receive account details in your mailbox.
Register today itself to enjoy a wide range of alerts. All you need is an email address for receiving the alerts.
At present these services come to you absolutely free of charge
Email alerts can be registered at the time of account opening itself or by contacting your branch.

Type of alerts

Account e-statements can be received on a daily or weekly or monthly basis based on your choice 
Alerts intimating due date of maturity, due date of installment payment and renewal execution
Cheque book issue alert 
Deposit Maturity and Deposit Renewal alerts
Recurring Deposit closure alert
Standing instruction Failure and Expiry 
Instant Transaction Alert – Instant transaction alerts provide seamless access to transaction notifications via email. Customers are encouraged to reach out to their respective branches to utilize this service.
Inward Cheque Alert – Customers will get inward cheque alert through their registered email on a real-time basis. No registration is required for this.

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