

Retirees' Space


Retirees' Space is designed to help and guide the retirees of the Bank. The space provides access to the links which help them with the necessary details and documents they may require.

Retirees' Space

Digital Service Memoir

As a sequel to our digitization journey, we are happy to introduce a new digital platform - Digital Service Memoir. It is an exclusive portal for Pensioners of our Bank, which would serve as a one stop single window and user-friendly interface for their various requirements.

Currently, the following functionalities are enabled in the platform.

  • Service Memoir (Digital Pension Book):  Portal to view and download Personal Details, Service Details and Pension Details.  The Pensioner details can be exported in PDF, which would serve as a Pension Book. 
  • Income Tax Portal:  To select Income Tax Regime / Submit Online Investment Declaration, Upload proof for Investments and for viewing and downloading Form- 16.
  • Pension Pass Book: To view and download details of monthly Pension credited and TDS deducted. 




Medical Insurance Scheme

Medical Insurance Scheme in respect of retired employees of the Bank


The group mediclaim policy under the IBA Medical Insurance Scheme in respect of retired employees has been renewed for a further period of one year, w.e.f. 01.11.2024.

Policy Period

01.11.2024 to 31.10.2025

Insurance Company

National Insurance Company Ltd.

Third Party Administrator

Health Insurance TPA of India Ltd. [HITPA]

New Health ID Cards will be provided by HITPA to all beneficiaries in due course. In the meantime, for availing cashless facility in network Hospitals, retired employees can inform Hospital Insurance desk to forward the cashless claim details to Health Insurance TPA of India Ltd by mentioning the Employee ID (PF No). Employees may contact HITPA Executive on (+91 7303768637) to get any immediate cashless assistance.

Relationship Matrix of HITPA



Contact Number

E-mail Id


Salima- Executive

8448983321, 0484-2634308


Anshad - Sr Executive



Nideesh -TL



Smitha Sajan- Manager



Address of HITPA

Health Insurance TPA of India Ltd. (HITPA)

Cochin Branch Office- 1st Floor,

Rukiya Bagh,M.G. Road Ravipuram, Cochin -682016 (Kerala)

Ph. 8448983317


Medical Insurance Scheme in respect of retired employees of the Bank 2024-25

The Group Mediclaim Policy under IBA Medical Insurance Scheme, in respect of Retired Employees, falls due for renewal on 01.11.2024. IBA has informed that National Insurance CompanyLtd.(NIC) shall continue as the Lead Insurer for servicing the Group Mediclaim Policy in respect of Retired Employees for the period from 01.11.2024 to 31.10.2025. Details of Third-Party Administrator (TPA) will be communicated in due course.

Policy Period

01.11.2024 to 31.10.2025
Last date for submission of Application 21.10.2024
Online Submission Portal Digital Service Memoir (Click here)
Period of Debiting the Premium 25.10.2024 to 28.10.2024


The details of the coming year policy are as follows:

Base Policy without domiciliary for Retirees

Expenses incurred in connection with hospitalisation alone are envisaged in the scope of the Policy and hence expenses incurred for domiciliary treatments are not covered under this policy. Policies with Base Sum Insured of Rs.4 L for retired Officers and Rs.3 L for retired members of Award Staff are available for the new policy year starting from 01.11.2024.

Family Floater Coverage (2 Lives Insured)

Beneficiaries can avail coverage for Family (Employee and Spouse) by paying the applicable premium.

  • Single Person Coverage (1 Life Insured)-applicable in the following cases
  • Retiree without spouse (unmarried, widow, legally separated and divorced)
  • Surviving spouse (Family Pensioner)
  • Retirees does not require the insurance cover for the spouse
  • Retirees who are not covered under the expiring retirees’ Policy pertaining to the period 01.11.2023 to 31.10.2024 can also join the retirees’ Policy for the period 01.11.2024 to 31.10.2025.

Premium details of Base policy (Without domiciliary)

Officers (Retired)

Base Policy

Premium (Including GST)

Sum Insured (in Lakh)

Premium to cover Single Person

Premium to cover Family

Rs.4 L

Rs. 36,810 /-

Rs. 40,900 /-


Award Staff (Retired)

Base Policy

Premium (Including GST)

Sum Insured (in Lakh)

Premium to cover Single Person

Premium to cover Family

Rs.3 L


Rs.28,545 /-


  • Amount to be remitted to subscribe the Policy for the period from 01.11.2024 to 31.10.2025

As a gesture of goodwill, the Bank shall bear a portion of premium applicable under base Policy in respect of all retired employees, subject to a maximum of Rs.24,800/- for Retired Officers and Rs.17,300/- for Retired members of Award Staff with family coverage and a maximum of Rs.22,320/- for Retired Officers and Rs.15,580/- for Retired members of Award Staff with single coverage . Accordingly, the details of premium to be remitted by a Retired Employee in connection with renewal/joining of the Policy are attached as (Annexure 1)


  • Top - Up Policy

In addition to the Base Policy as mentioned hereinabove, NIC has also proposed Top - Up Policies (Without Domiciliary Coverage) beyond the regular sum insured on payment of extra premium. Top up is available for all retirees as per their retirement cadre where the sum insured available in Top up is Rs.5Lakhs, 4Lakhs, 3Lakhs, & 2Lakhs for Officers and Rs. 4Lakhs, 3Lakhs, & 2Lakhs for Award Staff. The salient features of Top-Up Policy are as given below.

  • Top-Up Policy can be availed, only with the same coverage status of either Single or Family, as opted in the case of Base Policy (i.e. In case, the Retiree opts to avail Base Policy for Family, TopUp Policy cannot be availed for Single Person)
  • Premium for Top - Up Policy shall be remitted along with the premium for Base Policy.


  • Premium details of Top - Up Policy

Officers (Retired)

Top up Policy

Premium (Including GST)

Sum Insured (in Lakh)

Premium to cover Single Person

Premium to cover Family

Rs.5 L

Rs.54,269 /-

Rs.60,299 /-

Rs.4 L



Rs.3 L



Rs.2 L




Award Staff (Retired)

Top up Policy

Premium (Including GST)

Sum Insured (in Lakh)

Premium to cover Single Person

Premium to cover Family

Rs.4 L

Rs.43,649 /-

Rs. 48,499/-

Rs.3 L



Rs.2 L




  • Entire premium applicable for the Top-Up Policy shall be borne by the Retired Employee.
  • Nature of Policy shall be Top - Up without Domiciliary Coverage.
  • Retired Employee and spouse (as applicable in the base policy) are eligible to be covered under the Top - Up Policy.
  • Top - Up Policy will be invoked only when the Sum Insured under the Basic Policy gets exhausted.
  • Cashless / Reimbursement facility shall be available in connection with Hospitalization.
  • Retirees who have not availed Top-Up Policy for the Policy period 2023-24 are also permitted to avail Top-Up Policy under the current renewal.
  • The Top up Policy commences w.e.f 01.11.2024 and the period will be identical to the main policy period i.e. expiry date will be 31.10.2025


Procedure to be followed in connection with renewal/joining of Policy (Online Submission of Application)

  • In order to renew/join the Policy covering the period from 01.11.2024 to 31.10.2025, all beneficiaries, irrespective of their Category (Single or Family/ Top – Up ), are required to submit the application online, through Digital Service Memoir Portal (Click here) available in Retirees’ Space (Click here), latest by 21st October 2024. After the successful submission of application, the beneficiary will receive a confirmation mail in their registered email ID.
  • In case the online application is found successfully submitted, there is no need for submitting hardcopy of the application to HR Department.
  • Please note that Family Pensioners/CPF Optees/ Other Beneficiaries who do not have DSM access, need to invariably send the hardcopy of the application (Annexure 2 ) to HR Department latest by 21st October 2024.
  • If at all the application for renewal/joining the Scheme is not received from the beneficiary within the prescribed timeline, the coverage will not be renewed/extended under any Option/Category for the period 01.11.2024 to 31.10.2025 (Note: Membership in the Scheme is a one-time option, and once employees choose to opt out / decline to join, they will not be allowed to enroll in the scheme at a later stage).

Upon exercising the option for availing the coverage under the Scheme, as applicable to Retired Employees, the proportionate amount of premium payable will be appropriated from the Pension (Savings Bank) Account. Please note that remittance of premium is a pre-requisite for availing the Policy benefits under the Scheme; hence beneficiaries are advised to maintain sufficient balance in their respective Bank Account. Beneficiaries are therefore advised to ensure that the required premium has been debited to their Account latest by 28th October 2024 so as to confirm coverage under the proposed Mediclaim Policy covering the period 01.11.2024 to 31.10.2025. On renewal, the Policy/Scheme details will be made available for Retired Employees in Bank’s website under Retiree’s Space.

For any clarifications, please contact via; e-mail ID: or in Telephone No. 0484– 2634138

HR Department



Fed-e-Life: Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners/Family Pensioners of the Bank

Pension and Family Pension beneficiaries of the Bank are required to submit Life Certificate to the Trustees of The Federal Bank (Employees’) Pension Fund, every year, to ascertain their life status so as to ensure uninterrupted receipt of Pension/Family Pension.   Hitherto, hard copy of the Life Certificate (in the prescribed format), was required to be submitted to HR Department, through any of our Branches/Offices, after duly certified by Officials of the Bank. 

As an endeavor to migrate fully to digital/paperless model, a new platform i.e.  Fed-e-Life has been introduced in order to facilitate our Pension/Family Pension beneficiaries to submit their Life Certificate digitally, without visiting Branch/Office.  Any changes in Address, Mobile Number, e-mail ID etc., can also be updated while submitting the Digital Life Certificate. 

Click here to view the detailed operational guidelines 


Digital Life Certificate is based on AADHAAR validation and hence, only those beneficiaries having valid AADHAAR can submit the Life Certificate digitally. In the case of other beneficiaries (not having valid AADHAAR), the existing practice i.e. submitting hard copy of the Life Certificate through any of our Branches/Offices shall be continued. 

Please call us at 0484-2634263 or e-mail to for any queries or clarifications.

Special Personal Loan Scheme to Pensioners of the Bank

Special Personal Loan Scheme to Pensioners of the Bank

A Special Personal Loan Scheme has been introduced by the Bank in April 2015 in respect of Employees who have retired from the services of the Bank on attaining the age of superannuation and those who have retired at the age of 55 or above under VRS/VSS.

Various refinements have been brought in the scheme from time to time. The refined Personal Loan Scheme, extended to all Ex- Federals who are currently pensioners of our Bank, is reproduced below for the information of all concerned.


  1. Applicant shall be a Pensioner of the Bank
  2. Employees who retired from the services of the Bank on attaining the age of superannuation and employees who retired at the age of 55 or above under VRS/VSS shall be eligible for the Loan
  3. Minimum take home pension/ income after meeting all commitments towards loans including the proposed one should be Rs. 7500/-

Type of Facility

Term Loan

Loan Amount

10 times of monthly pension or Rs.3.00 L, whichever is less.



  1. By way of auto recovery from the SB account to which the Pension is credited, based on the irrevocable Letter of Authority.


  1. 5 years or tenure upto the date on which the retiree applicant attains the age of 70 years, whichever is shorter.

Rate of Interest

Repo Rate + 3.40% (spread)

Late Payment Fee

2% p. m. in case of default

Processing Fee



  1. Co-obligancy of Spouse
  2. In case of widow/widower, co-obligancy of any earning family member



Three undated crossed blank cheques in favour of Federal Bank


  1. Maximum 65% irrespective of income level
  2. No relaxation permitted

Internal Credit Rating & CIBIL

  1. CIBIL Score as per Retail Loan norms
  2. CIR from CIBIL to be taken
  3. Charges pertaining to CIBIL report to be borne by the Pensioner

Sanctioning Authority


Disbursal Branch

Loan to be disbursed only through the Branch where the Pensioner is maintaining the Pension Account

Other Terms & Conditions

All other terms & conditions of Federal Personal Loans (as applicable to general public)


Retiree Handbook

Retiree Handbook

Golden Years Guide, a comprehensive Retiree Handbook has been issued for our esteemed retirees, which is a valuable reference manual containing essential information and guidance for those transitioning into retirement. It covers various aspects, including post-retirement benefits, healthcare, and other useful information that can be beneficial not only to retirees but also to those planning for their future. Click the link below to access the handbook.



Application for Commercial Employment

Application for Commercial Employment

All pension opted Retiree Officers of the Bank who wish to accept / engage in any commercial employment / practice for any gainful employment within two years from the date of their retirement shall obtain prior permission from the Bank. The format for application can be downloaded from here.


ESOS Online – Disabling the ‘Exercise Now’ Menu

As part of the maintenance activity in the ESOS Online Application, the ‘Exercise Now’ Menu will not be available from 13/03/2025 to 31/03/2025.

During the period, Exercise of ESOS Options will be restricted. However, Option Holders can logon to the ESOS Online Application to view the details.

All concerned may take note of the matter.


ESOS Online site can be accessed by clicking the link below.

ESOS Online

Grievance Redressal

Retired employees can address their grievances to bank. Please Click here for more details.

Identity Cards to Retired Employees

Identity Cards to Retired Employees

We are pleased to inform that the Bank has decided to issue ID Cards to all the employees, who have retired from the services of the Bank on superannuation. In order to make arrangements to issue the ID Card, employees retired from the services of the Bank on superannuation are requested to submit the application as per the format can be downloaded from here. Kindly forward the application, duly attested by the Principal Officer of the nearest Branch/Office, to HR Employee Relations & Operations.



Relaxations in the norms of Staff Loans in respect of employees retired from the Bank 

At present, employees are permitted to continue Vehicle Loan, Housing Loan and Federal Vidya Loan / Federal Career Solutions Loan even after their retirement. On a review, it is decided by the Bank to extend the relaxations to those who have retired from the services of the Bank on superannuation subject to certain conditions. 



Ex-gratia to Pensioners/ Family Pensioners
IBA Retirees Topup Without Domiciliary policy wordings 2024-25
Retirees Base Without Domiciliary Policy 2024-25
Retirees Combo Base Without Domiciliary Policy 2023-24
Retirees Combo Base With Domiciliary Policy 2023-24
Retirees Base With Domiciliary Policy 2023-24
Policy Number_251100502310000308_Base With Domiciliary
Policy Number_251100502310000310_Base Without Domiciliary
Policy Number_251100502310000311_Combo Base With Domiciliary
Policy Number_251100502310000313_Combo Base Without Domiciliary
Policy Number_251100502310000316_Top Up With Domiciliary
Policy Number_251100502310000319_Top Up Without Domiciliary
Retirees Top-up Without Domiciliary Policy 2023-24
Retirees Base Policy Without Domiciliary 2023-24
IBA Medical Insurance Policy -Retirees- With Domiciliary 2022-23
IBA Medical Insurance Policy- Retirees- Super Top Up 2022-23
Annexure 2022-23 One Month Renewal
IBA Medical Insurance Policy-Retirees-Without Domiciliary 2022-23
Claim form for Reimbursement - HITPA
Policy Schedule Super Top Up 2022-23
Policy Schedule with Domiciliary 2022-23
Policy Schedule without Domiciliary 2022-23
Guidelines for availing Cashless and Reimbursement Facilities
Life Certificate Format - Family Pensioners
Mandatory Requirement of Linking PAN with Aadhaar
Implementation of Auto Debit in ESOS Online and the related process changes
ESOS Online – Disabling the ‘Exercise Now’ Menu
PF Case update
Instructions for submitting the application online
Fed-e-Life: Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners/Family Pensioners of the Bank
Policy Schedule - Without Domiciliary 2021-22
Retirees Policy Without Domiciliary
Retirees Policy Super Top Up
Employee Stock Option Scheme 2010 - Lapse of Options
Format of Life Certificate
Application for Identity Card to Retired Employees
Application for Commercial Employment
ESOS Online - User Manual
ESOS -2010 Bonus Issue
Extension of Vesting dates - ESOS 2010