
Gold Loans
Get the money you need when you need it! Your perfect banking partner offers you instant cash against gold at low interest rates with minimal paper work. Security for the loan will be pledge of 22 ct. gold ornaments.

Personal Loans
We offer hassle free personal loans for salaried individuals with minimum monthly salary of Rs.25,000/-.

Car Loans
Finance shall not be a red signal when your dream car opens door for you. Drive home with Federal Car Loan.

Housing Loans
Loan Your dream home is never far away! Get hassle free home loans from Federal Bank to turn your dream home into reality. We assist you to realize your dream home. Avail your Housing Loan from us at competitive interest rates.

Property Loans
Now your Property can take care of your Personal, Business and family's needs. Your dream of building the business to new heights, consolidating debts, education of your children or even arranging funds for a marriage in the family can now be fulfilled with Property Power. With this facility, unleash the power you never knew you had! Property Power is the mortgage loan offered by Federal Bank that provides loan against your property. You can avail loan against property for fulfilling personal needs such as meeting expenditure on education, marriage, healthcare, business or any other lawful purpose.

Education & Career Loans
etter education is necessary for all to go ahead in the life and get success. It develops confidence and helps building personality of a person. Education is indeed a basic need like food, clothing and shelter. Never miss an opportunity to learn and grow for want of finance. Federal Bank provides various kind of education loans for studying in India as well as abroad. How far would you go to get your dream career? The job market is tough today and hence it is necessary that you have the adequate knowledge and skills to build up your career. We nourish your career dreams with our Career Solutions Loans.

Loans for Other Needs
We have a wide variety of loans to take care of your every need- Loan against Fixed Deposits, Demat Shares and much more.