Product Comparison

Product Comparison

Compare and select the product that suits your need perfectly through our Solution Finder

Comparison Table

Savings Accounts

  • Bespoke Savings Account

  • Club Savings Account

  • Delite Savings Account

  • Fed Excel

  • Fed Salary

  • Fed Salary Premium

  • Fed Smart

  • FedBook Selfie

  • FedFirst Kids Account

  • MahilaMitra Plus

  • Pride Savings Account

  • SB Plus

  • Stellar Savings Account

  • Yuva Mitra

Current Accounts

  • Current Plus

  • Fed Trade +

  • FedPrime

  • FedTrade

  • FedTrade 50

  • FedVanijya

  • FedVanijya +

  • Freedom Current

NRE Savings Accounts

  • Fed NRI Care

  • Fed NRI Eve +

  • Fed NRI Power

  • Fed NRI Premium

  • Fed NRI Privilege

  • NRE EVE+

  • NRI Account

Federal Bank Credit Cards

  • Celesta Credit Card

  • Imperio Credit Card

  • Signet Credit Card

NRO Savings Account

  • Fed NRO Power

  • Fed NRO Premium

  • Fed NRO Privilege