

Gold Loan Rate Per Gram

Gold Loan Rate Per Gram

Per gram rates for all Gold loans as given below:
Scheme Maximum rate per gram
General Gold Loans 75% of market value of Gold
Agri Gold Loans Up to 90% of market value of Gold
Non Agri Gold Loans Up to75% of market value of Gold
MSME Gold Loans 75% of market value of Gold


Gold Loan Rates- FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions- Gold Loan Rates

1. What is Per Gram Rate for Gold Loan?

Per gram rate of gold loan is the value / loan amount that you can get for 1 gram of gold that you pledge. This rate, however, can depend on a few factors like the weight and purity of gold ornaments. 

2. How is Gold Loan amount calculated ?

Gold loan per gram is the amount given as a loan for every gram of pledged 22 carat gold. Please refer the per gram rates above for the latest rates.

3. What are the factors affecting per gram rates?

a. Market value of the Gold:

Any changes in market value of the Gold can impact the per gram rate for Gold loan. Factors like inflation, demand of the gold across the globe, jewellery market conditions within India, equation of Rupee and Dollar etc can affect the market price of the Gold in India.

b. Purity of the Ornaments:

Federal Bank provides gold loan against peldge of hall marked 22 carat gold ornaments. 

c. Weight of the Security:

Gross weight of the ornament and net weight of the ornament after deducting wastage value.