


Frequently Asked Questions- Federal Bank Fastag

Federal Bank fastag faq queries

One can visit the link, and click on "Apply Online"

Yes, RC copy for each vehicle has to be provided.

An amount of Rs 200(VC 4 & VC5), Rs.300 (VC 6 & VC 7), Rs.400 (VC 12), Rs.500 (VC 15 & VC 16) will be available at the time of activation of Fastag.

Minimum Balance Rs 200(VC 4 & VC5), Rs.300 (VC 6 & VC 7), Rs.400 (VC 12), Rs.500 (VC 15 & VC 16)

The tag should be affixed inside the windshield of the vehicle.

Tags once fixed on the vehicle will not normally get damaged, unless the windshield breaks.

592 Toll Plazas as on 30th Nov 2019 are enabled.

If the wallet doesn't have minimum threshold amount, the same will be shown as invalid.

The customer can raise a complaint by calling the toll free number printed in the tag.

Call the toll free number (1800 266 9520) and cancel the tag. The security deposit and the amount available in the wallet will be transferred to the tag holder's bank account.

Just call the toll free number given in the Fastag (1800 266 9520) and ask it to be disabled.

If multiple tags are issued to a single vehicle, the tags will get blacklisted.

Customer can visit the Federal Bank Fastag Portal, Login using the mobile number and reload using Cards/Internet banking/UPI

Currently there is no option for linking bank account with Fastag

Login to the Federal Bank Fastag portal to see your transactions.

Call the Toll free number printed in the tag (1800 266 9520)