

Kerala Water Authority Bill Payment Header

Kerala Water Authority Bill Payment (KWA)

Bill Payment Service for Kerala Water Authority (KWA)

Bill Payment Service for Kerala Water Authority (KWA)

Automatic Payments

  • To make the process even easier, you have the choice to opt for AutoPay whereby we will automatically pay your bill on each billing cycle.
  • You can register for this service by just sending an SMS to the Bank* (process given below).


Step 1 (send SMS)

ACTBILL<space>KWA<space>ConsumerID<space>ConsumerNumber<space>Last 3 digits of Account Number. to 9895088888

After sending the above SMS ,you will receive a response from the Bank, after which, send the following SMS.

Step 2 (send SMS)

ACTBILL<space>YES<space>ConsumerID<space>ConsumerNumber  to 9895088888

After sending the above SMS, you will receive a confirmation SMS for the bill registered from the Bank.


*Please read the terms & conditions applicable.



DEACTBILL <space>KWA<space>ConsumerID <space> ConsumerNumber <space>last 3 digit of account no


E-mail Alerts

The customer will receive e-mail messages when

  • The bill is ready for payment
  • Payment is success
  • Payment is failed due to any reason such as insufficient funds

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