
Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) Scheme

Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) Scheme

Features & Benefits

To develop agricultural marketing infrastructure for effectively managing marketable surplus of agriculture including horticulture and of allied sectors including dairy, poultry, fishery, livestock and minor forest produce.
To promote innovative and latest technologies in agricultural marketing infrastructure.
To promote competitive alternative agricultural marketing infrastructure by encouraging private and co-operative sector investments.
To promote creation of scientific storage capacity for storing farm produce, processed farm produce and agricultural inputs etc. to reduce post-harvest and handling losses.
To promote direct marketing so as to increase market efficiency through reduction in intermediaries and handling channels thus enhancing farmers’ income.
To provide infrastructure facilities for grading, standardization and quality certification of agricultural produce.

To promote Integrated Value Chains (confined up to primary processing stage only) to provide vertical integration of farmers with primary processors. Primary processing means adding value to the produce without change in its form and may include washing, sorting, cleaning, grading, waxing, ripening, packaging, labelling etc.

Terms & Conditions

Nature of facility 

Term loan and CC


Quantum of Finance & Margin 


  • Term Loans - Cases with subsidy - Minimum Term Loan is 50% (including subsidy portion) of the project cost. Maximum loan including subsidy portion is 80% of the project cost.
  • Cases without subsidy – Maximum Term Loan is 75% of the project cost.
  • CC-Actual cost less 25% margin towards running expense.



5 to 12 years including a grace period of 15 months


Primary Security 

Mortgage of landed property where the proposed infrastructure considered for finance is constructed


Collateral security 

EM of land where the loan amount exceeds Rs. 1.60 Lakhs

Interest Rates & Charges

Please visit the rates and charges page for details

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