Loans provided for construction of storage facilities, soil conservation and watershed development, Plant tissue culture and Agri-biotechnology, seed production, production of bio-pesticides, bio-fertilizer, and vermi composting are eligible to be classified under Agri infrastructure. Loans for construction of oil extraction/ processing units for production of bio-fuels, their storage and distribution infrastructure along with loans to entrepreneurs for setting up Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) plants are also eligible as per revised RBI guidelines.

Agriculture Marketing Infrastructure (AMI) scheme
Scheme for developing agricultural marketing infrastructure for effectively managing marketable surplus of agriculture including horticulture and of allied sectors including dairy, poultry, fishery, livestock and minor forest produce.

Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF) Scheme
To develop post-harvest Infrastructure facilities and community farming assets.

Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FIDF) Scheme
FIDF envisages creation of fisheries infrastructure facilities both in marine and inland fisheries sectors and augment the fish production.